Vedic Taxonomy

Vedic Taxonomy

“Sanskrit resonates and communicates authenticity.”

Vedic Taxonomy is the world's only plant naming system that uses the Sanskrit language. This plant identification system is closest to a plant's morphology, standardizing the process of developing undisputed plant names. The monikers provided by the Vedic Taxonomy method simplify the recognition and labeling of medicinal plants.

Sanskrit is the perfect language for naming plants due to its extensive vocabulary and straightforwardness. Also, its grammar helps scientists to develop accurate names for herbal plants instead of forging names in ambiguity. This method resolves the age-old problem of modern taxonomy. The current classification system does not adhere to a sophisticated pattern of naming plants, which causes rampant confusion among students. Thus, our Vedic taxonomy method gives accurate names focusing on plant morphology, not the people who named them.

This method has been extensively used to identify ~50,000 medicinal plants in the 111 volumes of WHE. It is an honor to positively impact the entire space of medicinal plants and contribute to the intellectual growth of millions of students and professionals.